Please note that the official version of this Privacy Policy is in Japanese.
For accurate information, please refer to the Japanese version.

Privacy Policy

Qualiteg aims to create new values not found in the world, providing services and applications that offer new experiences and enrich people's lives.

Due to the nature of its business operations, Qualiteg handles personal information of many customers and employees. Thus, it establishes this policy to ensure a responsible approach to personal information management.

1. We will specify the purposes of using personal information as much as possible and handle it appropriately within the necessary scope to achieve those purposes. We will also take measures to prevent the use of personal information for purposes other than those specified.

2. Personal information will be obtained by lawful and fair means.

3. We will not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual.

4. In managing personal information, we strive to take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent and correct the leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and other safety management.

5. In handling personal information, we strive to involve the individual who provided the information appropriately and keep the information as accurate and up to date as possible.

6. We comply with laws and regulations concerning the protection of personal information, establish internal rules for personal information protection, and continuously review and comply with them.

7. We set up a contact point for complaints and consultations regarding personal information protection and strive to respond appropriately.

Handling of Personal Information
Qualiteg, by displaying this privacy policy, respects the privacy of users and companies, affiliates, and organizations using the services provided in accordance with this privacy policy (hereafter referred to as "the service") and carefully manages their personal information.

Personal Information
Personal information refers to information related to an individual user, such as name, address, telephone number, email address, school name, and other descriptions that can identify the user. It also includes information that cannot identify the individual by itself but can be easily checked with other information and thereby identify the individual.

Purposes of Using Personal Information
The purposes for which Qualiteg obtains personal information are as follows. We will not use personal information beyond these purposes:

A. Personal authentication of users and provision of services to users
B. Billing, communication, mailing of newsletters, DMs, various notifications, etc., related to the use of the service
C. Providing personal information to businesses, affiliates, etc., based on user consent or application
D. Distribution and display of advertisements, content, etc., based on attribute information, device information, location information, behavioral history, etc., and provision of the service
E. Improvement of the service, development of new services, investigation, and analysis of point usage situations, and marketing
F. Creation and analysis of statistical data processed into a format that cannot identify individuals
G. Conducting campaigns, surveys, monitoring, interviews, etc.
H. Distribution of URL information to senders of blank emails
I. Verification and response to opinions, inquiries, and review postings regarding the service
J. Investigation of various applications prohibited by the terms of use, such as commercial or re-use purposes, multiple applications, rights transfer, false information registration, and detailed verification of such applications based on the investigation
K. Information provision, contact, notification, and determination of acceptance or rejection for applicants applying to Qualiteg's recruitment selection
L. Information provision, contact, notification, and determination of acceptance or rejection for applicants provided by affiliated personnel introduction companies etc., applying to recruitment selection
M. Personal information for the execution of outsourced work

Voluntariness of Providing Personal Information
If you do not enter the necessary items for each service, you may not be able to receive the service.

Change of Purpose of Using Personal Information
Qualiteg may change the purpose of using personal information within a range reasonably deemed relevant to the original purpose, and will notify or publicly announce the change if it occurs.

Limitation on Use of Personal Information
Except as permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws, Qualiteg will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose without the consent of the individual. However, this does not apply in the following cases:

(1) When required by law
(2) When it is necessary to protect the life, body, or property of an individual and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
(3) When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person
(4) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution, a local public entity, or an individual or entity entrusted by them to execute certain operations prescribed by laws and obtaining the consent of the person could impede the execution of such operations

Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
In principle, Qualiteg does not provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual. It will only be provided to specific recipients and for specific purposes after obtaining the user's consent.

1. Recipients and purposes of provision
For the provision of services such as requests for materials, applications, reservations, purchases, etc., to businesses, affiliates, etc., using the service

2. Items of personal information to be provided
Information items within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use, obtained from users (including all behavioral histories such as service usage history, browsing, searching, bookmarking, etc.)

3. Means or method of provision
Sent or transmitted by document or electromagnetic means.

However, in the following cases, personal information may be provided without the user's consent, within the scope not contrary to related laws:

A. When it is judged that the user could cause disadvantage to third parties
B. When it is particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the user
C. When it is necessary to cooperate with a national institution or a local public entity or a person or entity entrusted by them in executing operations prescribed by laws, and obtaining the consent of the user could impede the execution of such operations
D. When requested by a court, public prosecutor's office, police, or an organization with equivalent authority for disclosure of personal information
E. When explicitly requested by the user for disclosure or provision to a third party
F. When disclosure or provision is permitted by law
G. In case of providing personal information in association with the succession of business due to merger or other reasons, and it is handled within the scope of the purpose of use before the succession

Disclaimer Regarding Provision to Third Parties
In the following cases, Qualiteg bears no responsibility for the acquisition of personal information by third parties:

A. When the user themselves disclose their personal information to businesses, etc., using the service's functions or another means
B. When the person becomes identifiable unintentionally through the information entered in the service
C. When personal information is provided and used on external sites linked from the service
D. When someone other than the user obtains information that can identify the user (ID, password, etc.) and uses it

Outsourcing of Personal Information Processing
Qualiteg may outsource some or all of the personal information handling operations. Qualiteg is responsible for the handling of personal information by the outsourced party.

Use of Processed Statistical Data
Qualiteg may create statistical data that cannot identify individuals based on the provided personal information. Qualiteg can use statistical data that cannot identify individuals without any restrictions.

Changes to Personal Information
In principle, only the individual themselves can request notification of the purpose of use of personal information, disclosure, correction, addition, or deletion of registered personal information, suspension of use, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "changes to personal information"). Please contact the personal information management contact below for specific methods. However, changes to personal information may not be accommodated in the following cases:

A. When there is a risk of harming the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the person or a third party
B. When there is a significant possibility of hindering the proper execution of the service
C. When it would violate other laws Moreover, when changing personal information requires a large amount of cost or is otherwise difficult to accomplish, and alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the user can be taken, changes to personal information may not be accommodated.

Accuracy of Personal Information
Qualiteg strives to process the provided personal information accurately. However, the user is responsible for ensuring that the provided personal information is accurate and up-to-date.

Restriction on Acquisition of Sensitive Personal Information
Qualiteg, in principle, does not acquire personal information containing the following content. However, this does not apply if the user provides the information voluntarily:

A. Matters concerning thoughts, beliefs, and religion
B. Race, ethnicity, family origin, domicile (excluding information about the prefecture of residence), physical and mental disabilities, criminal history, and other matters that could cause social discrimination
C. Matters concerning the right of workers to organize, collective bargaining, and other collective actions
D. Matters concerning participation in mass demonstrations, exercise of the right of petition, and other exercises of political rights
E. Health care and sex life

Verification of Identity
Qualiteg, when registering as a member of various web services, using the service, responding to requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, or suspension of use of personal information, etc., verifies that the person is the individual using information that can identify the person (name, address, telephone number, date of birth, email address, membership number, password, etc.). However, Qualiteg bears no responsibility if someone other than the individual obtains and uses information that can identify the individual.

Qualiteg bears no responsibility in the following cases:

1. When the individual discloses their personal information to a third party using the function of Qualiteg services or another means
2. When the individual becomes identifiable unintentionally through the information disclosed on Qualiteg services

Acquisition and Use of Attribute Information, Device Information, Location Information, Behavioral History, etc.
1. Regarding cookies and other related information concerning attribute information, device information, location information, behavioral history, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "behavioral history, etc.")

Qualiteg uses cookies for the protection of users' privacy, improvement of convenience, delivery of advertisements, and acquisition of statistical data. Additionally, using technologies such as cookies and JavaScript, we may obtain attribute information (limited to information that cannot identify the individual even when combined, such as age, gender, occupation, residential area, etc.) that cannot identify the individual, device information, users' behavioral history within the service site (accessed URLs, contents, reference order, etc.), and location information based on user consent or application when using smartphones, etc. However, cookies and behavioral history, etc., do not contain any personal information.

2. Regarding access logs and other related information in the following cases of behavioral history, etc.

When users log in and use the service, Qualiteg may use the behavioral history, etc., identified before the login, for the delivery and display of advertisements, content, etc., and the provision of the service. For stopping the delivery of such advertisements, etc., please contact the personal information management contact below.

Personal Information Management Officer
Qualiteg Management Department Privacy Policy Manager

Changes to the Privacy Policy
Except as provided by laws and regulations, Qualiteg will review the operation status of personal information handling as appropriate and strive for continuous improvement, and may change the privacy policy as necessary. In this case, the changed privacy policy will be posted on the Qualiteg website.

[Established on July 29, 2023]

Please note that the official version of this Privacy Policy is in Japanese.
For accurate information, please refer to the Japanese version.

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